5 thoughts on “What is the most docile cat in the world”

  1. The varieties of memelly cats include:
    1, exotic short -haired cats: also known as Garfield, around 1960, American breeding experts mate and breed American short -haired cats and Persian cats. And increase its weight, so that foreign cats were born. In 1966, CFA was recognized as a new variety.
    During breeding, it also messenger with Russian blue cats and Myanmar cats. Since 1987, this variety allowed hybridization to be limited to Persian cats. FIFE acknowledged short -haired cats in 1986. This variety is very common in the United States and is gradually becoming popular in Europe.
    In addition to the dense fur of the short -haired cat, the foreign short -haired cat also retains the unique cute expression and round body shape of the Persian cat. Personality is also quiet and kind like Persian cats. It can comfort the owner's heart. The shape is medium to large short -footed, the head is wide and round, the nose has obvious depression, the fur has a soft luster, the temperament is independent, and the temperament is noisy. Essence
    2, Abyssinian cat: About 1860, ancient Egyptian cats were brought back to Britain by a British officer from Abisinia (now Ethiopia). After many cat -raising enthusiasts carefully cultivated and improved, it quickly spread. But it was not until 1929 that the variety standards of such cats were established, and the Abyssinian cat enthusiast club was established.
    Due to World War II and the popularity of cat leukemia in 1960 and 1970, this cat almost made this cat in the UK. Later, it was introduced from abroad. After careful cultivation, today's Abisinian cat was formed.
    The improved Abityian cats have long body, tall and thin limbs, long and sharp tails, slightly pointed heads, large eyes and round, eyes are golden, green or light brown, ears are large and upright and erect. , Long hair in the ears. The hair is short, the hair color is beautiful, and the most common hair color is yellow -brown, with black hairs.
    This is finely fur, the fluff layer is more developed, and it is elastic. This kind of cat likes to live alone, climbing trees, light body, mild temperament, very humane, is a very ideal partner. It is worth mentioning that the little lion -like appearance of the Abisinian cat looks more cute, and it is very smart, with a small and pleasant cry. Whether you live in an apartment or a family building, you can rest assured that this cat can be kept at ease.
    3, Persian cat: Persian cat's round face looks very similar to exotic short -haired cats, which is also a very docile variety. If it feels the owner's love for it, it will return the same love to the owner. Persian cats are also lazy and do not like sports, and they are also very relatives. They like to accompany the owner.
    4, Siamese cat: Siamese cat is a well -known sticky person and words. He always wants to get the attention of the owner. The owner wants to insert a foot no matter what he does. Curiosity is super strong and bold, and the traction rope can go out casually, which is known as the dog in the cat.
    5, puppet cat: The docile cat's docile has long been famous, and the origin of its name is because of her well -behaved personality, lying quietly as cute as a puppet. Don't look at a big head, but the personality is really gentle, and this character will not change when he is old.

  2. 1. German rolling cat
    Twin -rolled hair cats, also known as the German emperor cat, the shape of the alien ET is designed according to it. The German rolling cat is very flexible, like a naughty elf, showing vibrant curiosity about the outside world.
    Twin -rolled hair cats are called German emperor cats. Its looks are very funny and cute. It is said that the image of the classic movie ET alien is to learn from the appearance of this cat, and it does have very good own High IQ, more endurance. If you like to travel, you can bring it, it will be the most loyal partner in your journey.
    2, exotic short -haired cats
    The short -haired cats are also commonly known as Garfield. Garfield is famous for loyalty and sticky people. As long as you have a chance, you will jump on the owner's knees. Exotic short -haired cats are really suitable as a companion pet because they do not love sports. Not only does the appearance look stubborn, but also very docile.
    In addition to the dense fur of the short -haired cat, the foreign short -haired cat also retains the unique cute expression and round body shape of the Persian cat. Personality is also quiet and kind like Persian cats. It can comfort the owner's heart. The shape is medium to large short -footed, the head is wide and round, the nose has obvious depression, the fur has a soft luster, the temperament is independent, and the temperament is noisy. Essence
    3, Sphinx cat
    Sphinx cat sex is dignified and honest, endurance is strong, good -tempered, and they are more like dogs in some aspects, easy to get close to others, and to the owner loyalty. Many hairless cats often love to lick themselves to clean themselves and often clean up their hair. After meals, it will wipe the beard with the front paw, lick the anus with the tongue after urination, and lick the hair with the tongue after being hugged.
    4, American short -tailed cats
    American short -tailed cats are cats with strong field survivability living on the American continent. They have superb hunting techniques and can use some small animals and insects as food. The ability to adapt is very strong, and it is still very friendly to people. It is more suitable for boys as pets.
    This cats have fur and spots when they are born. A few short -tailed cats with black diseases were discovered in Florida. They are black, but they may still keep spots. Short -tailed cat's face seemed very wide because of the hair under the ears.
    . Its fur is easily damaged, but the hair is long and dense. The nose is pink, with gray, yellow -red or brown red on the face, both sides and backs. The eyes are yellow and the pupils are black. The pupils are longer, and they will expand at night to get the most light.
    5. Minsa
    In the United States purebred cats in the United States. In fact, it is very sexy and gentle, very friendly to people, and it has a strong mouse catching skills. If your house is large, it is more suitable for raising a cat like this.
    The ear is large and full of hair, big eyes, wide eyes. The size of the middle to the big body is strong and the chest is wide. Female cats are generally smaller than male cats. The long tail is matched with flowing hair like fur. The hair is thick and dense, the hair on the front chest is short, while the hair behind and the abdomen and thighs is longer.

  3. The most docile cat in the world is Garfield. Garfield is famous for loyalty and sticky people. As soon as he has a chance, he will jump on the owner's knees. Exotic short -haired cats are really suitable as a companion pet because they do not love sports. Not only does the appearance look stubborn, but also very docile.
    The personality is quiet, cute, warm, sweet, informal and loyal, on the other hand, as lively and naughty as other varieties. It is as quiet as the Persian cat, gets close to people, and is as naughty like American short -haired cats.
    extension information
    . Their temperament is independent, do not like noise, likes to watch the owner but will not harass, most of the time will be fun. On the other hand, they also have strong curiosity, lively and clever, do not have nervous allergies, and immediately adapt to the new environment, so it is easy to raise. However, because foreign short -haired cats have a flat nose like Persian cats, they are prone to inflammation, so they often clean up their faces for it. As long as it is cleaned every day and keeps healthy and lively, its life span can reach about thirteen.
    The short -haired cats that exactly resemble the Persian cat. The only difference from the Persian cat is that its hair quality is short and thick and plush. The ideal exotic short -haired cat should be strong in bones. , Soft and round lines. The round eyes, large and round heads, wider eyes, short and thick neck, short nose.
    The nose is high and placed in the middle of the eyes, full of cheeks. The wide and powerful jawbone has a strong chin. The round ears are leaning forward slightly, and the distance between the ears is wide. Having a large, round and strong paw, the tail is short but proportional to the body.
    Reference information Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Garfield

  4. The puppet cat
    Pat cats (scientific name: Ragdoll), alias, Fairy Cat, Brador Cat, belonging to the genus of the cat, and one of the largest cats in the existing body.
    Pat cats are distributed as wide as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Russia and other countries. They are mainly distributed in the United States. The puppet cats are more docile and quiet and friendly to people. Because of its beauty and elegance and very similar to the character of the dog, it is also known as "Fairy Cat", "Puppy Cat".
    This ancestors are white long hair cats and Berman cats. They began to breed in 1960. The head is wedge -shaped, with large and round eyes. Or two colors and so on. The puppet cat is a late -mature variety. Their color of their hair is at least 2 years old to be plump, and the physical and weight should be at least 4 years old to develop.
    It puppet cats are extremely gentle and more suitable for indoor breeding. Generally, they should be sterilized and provide an appropriate living environment, such as being equipped with cat -grabbing boards to adapt to their scratching habits: These are the basic conditions to maintain their health and longevity and happiness.
    This cats will lick and sort out a medium -length silk hair. If you want to sort them out of hair, you can hold a combing with steel needles, and they are elegant.
    It puppet cats are good at flattering the owner, and always turn around the owner. This cat is quiet, but also likes to play toys and likes to participate in the daily life at home.
    It puppet cats are a late -mature variety. Their hair color must be at least 2 years old to be plump, while physical and weight should be at least 4 years old to develop. The newborn kitten is white. A week later, the kitten's face, ears, and tails began to change color. It was not stabilized by Mao at the age of 2 until the age of 3-4 did not grow.
    The puppet cats are cats, and cats will always lose hair, but the puppets are not serious. Pets are mostly temperature issues. If the temperature controls at about 21 ~ 22 throughout the year, it can effectively alleviate this problem.

  5. 1. Exotic short -haired cats: The exotic short -haired cat has a docile personality, does not like noise, and does not like sports, so most exotic short -tailed cats are easily raised. This type of cat is not suitable as a domestic cat.
    2, Abyssinian cat: Abisinian cat has such a nickname -dogs and cats, as the name suggests, some of the personality of Abisinian cats are the same as dogs, such as they are smart, Friendly, curiosity, etc., although Abixinian cats are a cat with independent behavior, they will build deep feelings with their owners, so people will give them such a name.
    3, Persian cats: Persian cats are docile and flattering. Its every move reveals extraordinary elegance and is the "little princess" among cats. The smart and sticky Persian cat likes to look at you quietly. Whether you have time to play with it, for the Persian cat, as long as you can watch you quietly.
    4, Russian blue cat: Russian blue cat is docile and shy, more suitable for indoor breeding. They are similar to British short -haired cat blue cats, all blue -gray. Russian blue cats are soft and delicate by hairs, and have a good touch. They trust the owner very much, the cry is soft and sweet, and the IQ is high.
    5, Siamese cat: Siamese cat is the most casual cat among many cats. It is darker and more careless. If you mess with it one day, you don’t have to worry about it. Objective. Therefore, people who like cats, but people who are busy with work are very suitable for accepting this cat.

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