5 thoughts on “The pet dog I raised was dead, I was full of it, I was sad, what should I do?”

  1. If the pet dog raised is dead and I am too sad, then I think I can re -raise a pet dog, so that I will have a new sustenance, and this pet dog that I believe slowly will also replace myself instead of myself. The pet dog I died, I think this may be a lot better. Of course, this method is actually not universal. Some people may be more sad and sad after the pet dog dies. Instead, it will be even more sad and sad. Can let time smooth everything.
    The dogs in the world are loyal friends of our human beings. Many people will raise a pet dog in their own house. After a long time, these pet dogs are like their relatives. In particular, there are some lonely old people, or those who do not get married, and have been with these pet dogs for a long time, and have regarded pet dogs as an essential part of their own lives. So when pet dogs die, many people are actually very difficult to accept this reality.
    But I personally want to say that pets are pets after all. Although sometimes these pet dogs can become our spiritual sustenance, we are also adults after all. Pet dogs are not all of us. Although everyone is sad to say that pet dogs have died, we must not become decadent because of this incident, and it becomes particularly sad. If this is the case, I think there are some upside down.
    The owner actually has deep feelings with his pet dog, so it is normal for a time after the pet dog dies, but I think if you go away for a long time because of your pet dog's death, If you do n’t come out, there will be some that you ca n’t say it anymore. If the pet dog dies, then you can relax yourself. For example, in recent days we can take a leave, go home and take a good rest, try to get out of this sadness as much as possible. After a few days Come back to a new life.

  2. I can understand your feelings, and I was like this when I lost my dog ​​at the time. First of all, you have to deal with your pet's funeral, you can return it to its favorite place to play, such as parks, woods; second: to adjust your mindset and find something to transfer your attention; third: Learn to let go It may meet you in another way. Finally: make a few more good friends, don't limit your circle. Spiritual pets want the owner to be happy. You do n’t remember. In addition to loving it and treating it as a loved one, some may also be guilty that you do n’t take care of it. He usually does not accompany it, and you ca n’t save it for saving it. The deceased is so life -threatening

  3. Your mood is really understandable. My guy dog ​​has gone on December 20th. From the illness to death, the doctor said that it had a strong uterus, did not perform a surgery, and did a line of one line. Hope, watching its helpless little eyes, really broken heart, nine years of companionship, I really don't want to let it die, determine to fight, give each other a chance. After the operation, I accompany it all night and hold it with it. , Pray that it will be good. It still failed to survive. Her husband buried it in the woods by the soap river. I put it on a beautiful small clothes. Its small bowls, dog food and meat were buried with it. After two days, I was full of my head, and I was in pain. Why did n’t I see it early ... All live with it was in front of me. Yaya Dog, there is no pain in heaven, and you are a good dog. I hope you can ask you early and come to my house to accompany me. People who have not raised dogs cannot understand this feeling.

  4. Cry, cry, cry to death, and the dogs will not survive. My dog ​​will be a little pant at night on the 4th of the 4th. After 2 days of rescue in the hospital, I can only rely on oxygen machines in the end. I died of Anle and let it no longer be in pain. Who knows how cruel is my decision to make this decision. In this world, I love it the most. People, although I have been prepared for a long time, I did not expect that this day was so suddenly so suddenly, unacceptable, and unable to face it. My family and friends advised me to give up. When I was still tangled, the dog understood. I don't want to suck oxygen again. Is it implying that I am tired? The people present at this moment were crying, and I was crying and died. For 4 days, when I saw what it had used at home, I mentioned it with others. Thinking of it from my life forever Tears said that time dilute everything. I really don't know when I can come out, and when will my heart hurt so much? Mimi, Mama always loves you, miss you

  5. Help it to read Amitabha and ask Amitabha to lead it to the bliss world. No need to suffer anymore. In the future, Bodhisattva will always protect you. Read it for its Buddhist willingness and be famous. They all learned that they would go to the other country and do not retreat. Then read Amitabha. Imagine it can sit on the lotus and the Buddha's past pure land. That is really its great blessing. You can stand it. Amitabha!

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