1 thought on “Dogs do not sleep at night”

  1. Dogs do not sleep at night, there are usually several reasons:
    1, the long time of walking the dog is not enough
    If the dog with very strong energy in the house, the dog will keep noisy at night. It is a high probability that the dog does not play enough during the day. At night, I will keep making noise, hoping that the pet owner can continue to take it out of the waves. For dogs with very strong energy, the owner should take them at least 30 minutes to 2 hours a day.
    2. The daily arrangement of chaotic
    If the daily arrangement of the dog is chaotic, even if they get enough activity, food and toilet opportunities, they will not sleep at night. Try to let your dog go out a few hours before going to bed at night, and don't feed a few hours before they sleep. Avoid that they think of going to the toilet while sleeping at night. It is best to let them go out to the toilet before going to bed at night.
    3. Lack of security
    The second reason is that most of the dogs that are sticking to the owner are very sticky. When sleeping at night, you can't see the owner dog. In the dark environment at night, dogs are even more afraid or even fear.
    Is to answer can help you. If you have any other questions, you want to consult a pet doctor, click the avatar below, and perform free 1 to 1 consultation

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